You may not have heard of Akinator & Co. because it was just launched last year. This unique multiplayer game takes the important idea of the guessing game Akinator and turns it into a family-friendly game played on Apple TV. According to Jérôme, "The main feature is that you play with people. It's like a fight to see who can guess the character first. "
Each player gets a fun animal avatar - everything from parrots to tigers - and then Player One starts by choosing a character's name from the list provided by Akinator. Other players may not see this selection because they will try to guess characters using the Akinator question and Player One's answers as clues.
After a few questions, the game pauses and let other players try to guess the character. Whoever guesses, in the allotted time, will win. Player One earns points for each question raised and will win all points if no one guesses correctly in 20 questions. After 20 questions, the game will display certain letters in the character's name to give the player the final clue.
What's great about this game is transparency. It is impossible for Player One to deceive or answer questions incorrectly because Akinator oversees everything. After the round, the players can rotate and let others choose the character and try to defeat the group.
"People like it because they can play together," Jérôme said. "In the end, Akinator added scores from all rounds and showed the avatars on the podium for first, second and third place."